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Retired before 50 living on limited income

Retired before 50, and living on limited income

It has been a few years in which I have retired. It is not by choice. I am living on limited income, with my mom who is on ssi and herself retired. It is very hard as things go up, but not much at all in government help. I am single, and no kids. I have less than a dollar in savings, and nothing when I reach age 65 to really “ retire “ on. I am currently in my late 40s.. I live with mental illness, which has affected my ability to work full and even regular part time jobs. I honestly am a hermit expect for grocery shopping, and to the Doctors, I have not enough money for my own car, and when mom passes I have nothing. I have no or bad credit mainly due to my situation.

It is scary, and fearful feature for me. For those with kids, it can be harder, but they have more resources, and help available to them. For myself and others who are single it is scary, and stressful.

I am writing sharing a bit of my experiences, and tips to help those women, and especially those single, not yet at retirement age, yet retired. Many dependant on the government., and have no other sources. I have wondered often how can I save, or make supplemental income..Sometimes I find it means sacrifices. No longer eating out for a season, cutting back, and even quitting smoking, even for just a while. Think what is more important? I find when life has put me in a rock and hard place, I get stubborn, my creativity, and resourcefulness kicks in. Like me you do all you know but still you could use some supplemental income, even if it is to begin to save for first time.

Personal services

● Become a dog walker., or watcher for a day or week. I did for a friend for a week, watching and letting dog out, play, feeding. Small dog for me, and easy. I also found therapy for myself . That week was able to finish getting some groceries to finish the month, and treat mom and I for a dinner which we ordered out for.

● If you have a four door car, good condition, become a driver with Uber, pays every day/ I do not as I no longer have my own car, and for personal issues too.

● Be a companion to an elderly person or one just in need for a couple of hours few times a week. Before I got ill, I also did this doing a summer, aI also took them to the local DR office, cooked a some, and little cleaning for them. For a week , it was 4 days and was paid 100 or 125 this was some years ago. It helped Grandma was alive, and she knew some who would pay for some help and companionship.

Online income…...

● Survey Tested

For some this is a great way to supplement or make a career. Few are they who can do this.

I do not know how often I have tried to supplement my income by trying, or rather falling for schemes, One is getting paid to do surveys. Some are legit, ut catch is answering tons of questions just to find out “OOPS,sorry you are not qualified for this survey,” or “Sorry this assignment is now unavailable”. That just angers me to no end. I spend 15- 30 minutes wasting time hoping to make maybe 10-25.00, just to find out all my time was for nothing. It was not the real survey. They are crap. Do not waste your time, energy on those things. Most are phishing for information on you anyways.

● Blog Tested

I have several blogs, and have tried to offer services to blogs that pay.Many said not the topics we are looking for, or another excuse. Few people can make this work. You need almost to be perfect in grammar too. Making money from your blog is possible, but it needs to begin with your connections, people you know, neighbors,friends. Have a purpose, goal, and plan as framework for your blogging.I used to run a online community on the Ning platform of nearly 1,000 at one time, We used blogs to post our newsletters.People would donate on site, or via those newsletters. It was always enough to cover cost of site, and sometimes over. It was nice.

It took me about 2-3 years before even getting one donation. So it takes times. For me it helped pay for site, and gave me some extra pocket money which I used for my needs, or towards some kind of expense for the house.

● Product Tested

Online product sales are excellent especially if you make your own, and have a good circle of friends to begin with. There some website which will allow you to set up a free shop. Make sure you investigate, and read what it is included, and what is not.

I have tried the Thrive 8 day product and program, However I did not give it enough time and had two interested after I left, I got impatient after 3 weeks. Also if you get nothing, to remain active you must have a customer sale or you auto pay 100.00. This was a part I did not understand till later. Read carefully. I am trying shirt sales. Create design sell. Cafe Press is a good one, and comes with free shop. All you need do is to promote it. Again you need to have a circle of friends, and connections to begin. Avon is very reputable, but initial fee 25.00 to begin. You can also sell just online if you wish. They do also remind you it takes time.

Legitimate sites will not promise you get rich quick.

● Poshmark tested.

I use for my own closet to get rid of things I no longer wear or use, I have sold two things. It is great if you have people who love garage sales, or thrift shoppers but much rather find stuff online. It is a legitimate site, and free. They do take a percentage, but not much. Arts and crafts you make??? Even ebay. Be creative, and persistent. Seek, and investigate.

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