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It is now legal for your Internet and Cable providers to sell all your personal data and browsing

215-205 vote on Senate Joint Resolution 34 (H. Res. 230), the House voted to repeal broadband privacy regulations that the Obama administration’s FCC introduced in 2016. In a narrower vote than some expected, 15 Republicans broke rank to join the 190 Democrats who voted against the repeal. The FCC rules, designed to protect consumers, required ISPs to seek consent from their customers in order to share their sensitive private data (it’s worth noting that ISPs can collect it, either way). For consumers, the rollback is a bad deal no matter how you slice it. As the issue took the floor, California Representative Anna Eshoo laid into the bill, suggesting that her Republican counterparts in the House lacked a nuanced understanding of how internet providers like Comcast and Time Warner serve a different role for consumers than the optional platforms provided by companies like Google and Facebook. “They can use your information and sell it to the highest bidder,” Eshoo argued. “I think it’s a sad day if the bill passes.”

The Bill has passed It is outrageous that we as normal people have no more rights to privacy at all. Thanks a lot Republicans and Trump. Something is not right but according to the law it is other companies right to have access to everything about you and to sell it to highest bidder even if it endangers you.

This pisses me off to no ends

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