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If you do not Dream, than you do not soar.

There is nothing like it. Blessed are those who live in the air.

I have been fortunate to have flown often in the past three years and that mainly in pursuit of being a Flight Attendant. One of my last flights was during a full moon. It was indescribably beautiful. My camera did not work, so I do not have the actual photo.

I am one when traveling, I love getting to the airport early. I enjoy each step in the process of travel. I used to hang around at the airport. I would get tours on planes in Honolulu. Befriended Flight Attendants, CSA agents, although not sure what they were called, Gate agents? Hmm. I loved seeing Western Airlines, Continental, The rainbow of United, the silvery bird of American, and Pan Am, with TWA. WOW,much has changed, It is and always has awed me that we as humans can travel in a piece of tin 35- 40.000ft in the air for hours. For the most part we manage to behave. Most of us do. I always try to bless my crew with chocolate,or some kind oif goodies. They too are my heroes. It is their life, not just a job. They will risk their own lives to insure we are safety brought from point A to B..I do not know how many have been on the old 747, which is a wonderful aircraft, but fuel guzzler. I recall being taken down the elevator by a FA on a UAL flight in my teen years, and was shown how they warmed the food. The plane and flying I fell in love.

I love these quotes

The Magic and Wonder of Flight

The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be? —it is the same the angels breathe.

— Mark Twain, Roughing It, Chapter XXII, 1886.

The natural function of the wing is to soar upwards and carry that which is heavy up to the place where dwells the race of gods. More than any other thing that pertains to the body it partakes of the nature of the divine.

— Plato, Phaedrus.

Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.

— Socrates

A single lifetime, even though entirely devoted to the sky, would not be enough for the study of so vast a subject. A time will come when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them.

— Seneca, Book 7, first century CE

Limited in his nature, infinite in his desires, Man is a fallen god who remembers heaven.

— Alphonse de Lamertine, 'L'Homme,' addressed to Byron in 1819. The original French: Borné dans sa nature, infini dans ses vocux, L'homme est un dieu tombé qui se souvient des cieux.

O to speed where there is space enough and air enough at last!

— Walt Whitman, One Hour to Madness and Joy, 1860

Flight was once a dream thought impossible.

The Wright Brothers had many failures, and to some they were a joke.Well they did not listen to the can'ts, or the "That is impossible,and crazy" Honestly we need to be a little crazy to make our real dreams come true. They never gave up. Now Flight is available to any who can afford to fly. Today it is honestly the most safe way to travel.

Inspirational for women. with big dreams

“Everyone has oceans to fly, if they have the heart to do it. Is it reckless? Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries?” ― Amelia Earhart .Amelia did what no other woman (and few men) dared to do. To me, she was an American hero. Her daring spirit of adventure and courage inspired many. She didn’t hold back. She pursued her dreams and sought to break barriers others saw as limiting human potential.

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